Sunday, May 15, 2011

Welcome to our society

Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, which music you listen to, what you look like, how you act, who you hang around with, and on practically every other personal trait and imperfection about you, and you'll be made fun of for being who you are. Enjoy your stay.

Girls fall inlove with what they hear

Girls fall in love with what they hear, boys fall in love with what they see. That's why girls wear make up, and boys lie.

Keep Your Ears Open

Once in while, if you're lucky, you may come across a band.  But not just any band.  To you, this band changes the way you look at music.  This band just blows your mind away.  To them, music is everything and you can tell that everytime they step on the stage.  When they perform, it's unlike anything you have experienced in your life.  You can feel they're passion for the love of music expload out into everyone in the crowd.  Keep your eyes ears open, because you might be lucky enough to come across a band that changes everything for you.  And to me,
that band was Hedley.